The Water Princess by Susan Verde; illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2016. 42 pages; $17.99 (hardcover); reading level: ages 4-8. Gie Gie, a princess in her parents’ eyes, surveys her kingdom: the African sky, the wild dogs, the tall grass, and the dusty earth. Not part of her kingdom is water,… [Read More]
The Two Tims by David Elliott Reviewed by Connie Nordhielm Wooldridge
January 18, 2017 By
The Two Tims by David Elliott; illustrated by Gabriel Alborozo. Candlewick, 2016. 32 pages; $15.99 (hardcover); reading level: 4-8. Tim and Tim (one with blond hair, one with brown) are best friends. Until Tom comes along. Blond Tim plays knights with Tom while brown-haired Tim sulks. Brown-haired Tim crazy-dances with Tom while blond Tim sulks…. [Read More]