Leave the Door Open! – 40 Percent of 6-11 Year Olds Wish Their Parents Hadn’t Stopped Reading to Them

reading to older kidsMy husband and I have four children – all now adults. Reading to them was always a treat for me and watching each of them in turn grow “too old to be read to” was an agony.

When my younger two boys, who shared a room and slept in twin beds side by side, were beyond picture books but not yet too old for nightly reading time I would perch on a kid-sized chair between their beds and power through the four-volume set of Howard Pyle’s King Arthur tales, chapter by chapter. Pyle’s stories definitely weren’t for babies: There were lots of battles and trouncing of evil, the stories were simple enough to follow, but the language was sophisticated enough to be challenging.

I remember the night I started chapter one of the first book in the set. I had carefully closed the door to the bedroom so as not to disturb my next older son in the room across the hall when I heard his muffled, slightly plaintive voice: “You can leave the door open.”  Of course he couldn’t say “I want to hear the story too” but I got the message. The door was always left open after that and I took care to raise the volume a bit as I read.

I wish I’d had access to the information in Scholastic’s “Kids & Family Reading Report:  5th edition,” (which I discovered on the Galley Cat blog) in which 40% of kids aged 6-11 say they wish their parents hadn’t stopped reading to them. I can’t go back in time, gather all four of my kids around those twin beds and re-capture all the reading times I inadvertently missed. But what I can do is pass the information along to you to read and share with every parent you know!

Connie Nordhielm Wooldridge, Author

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Speaker / Presenter

Connie is an experienced speaker and presenter who enjoys sharing her passion for writing and her experience as a writer with readers and writers of all ages. She has presented to students, community, civic and professional organizations, writing groups, library audiences, and seniors – wherever book lovers gather!

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