Say Thank You

Anyone out there who thinks saying “thank you” is a lost art should visit an elementary school – any elementary school – and give a presentation. In response to my talk to the 3rd and 4th graders at Crestdale Elementary School last week, I received the most colorful, creative, effusive thank you notes ever:

I really like your book (Just fine the way they are!) it is really nice and really nonfiction and thank you for coming to our school to speack with us.

Just fine the way they are is my Favorat Book Ever!! It is so cool how you talk about The Natinal Rode and tell the Illistrator that I like his Illistrating…

Thank you for signing my book I was the first one with the black book I thank you for that information and I hope you write a book about a lonly dragon please!!!!!

You made me want to be a author. I was so inpreste what I learned.

P.S. I can’t beleive your husband is a docter.

To the 3rd and 4th graders at Crestdale: Thank YOU for the thank you’s!