You just can’t keep a bad man down. Connected, as he is to Halloween (ever wonder where the term “jack-o-lantern” came from?), October is Wicked Jack’s favorite month and he was invited back to Indiana by the Richmond Symphony Orchestra. What were they thinking??? Aren’t symphonies stuffy organizations??
Connie Wooldridge, Will Hillenbrand, & Evelien Woolard
Evidently not! Five woodwind players from the orchestra were brave enough to share the stage with the notorious scoundrel from the swamp and played spooky classical music while I read and Will Hillenbrand showed slides of his illustrations.
Over 500 fifth-graders heard (from me) how the book was written, (from Will) how it was illustrated, and (from flutist, Evelien Woolard) how it was set to music.
We all survived Jack’s visit and (much as I hate to admit it because Jack is such a scamp!) we all had just a wee bit of fun.
Happy Halloween…and watch out for Wicked Jack! You just can’t keep a bad man down!