
I started thinking about The Brave Escape of Edith Wharton in 2001. It was published in 2010. It seemed to me that, when it officially hit the bookstores, a celebration was called for.

First, I alerted my “staff” (a.k.a., the special events committee of the Richmond Symphony Orchestra from whom Carl and I had purchased a catered event at a fundraising auction). Then I invited everyone in the world to a book launch.

“I’ve never been to a book launch,” people told me.

“Well, I’ve never thrown one, so let’s just see what happens,” I responded.

As it turned out, the weather was perfect, the “staff” did a knock-out job on the food and the decorations, a neighbor helped me sell books, and Carl (who claims I have a black thumb and he has a green one) gave running tours of his garden which I’m sorry Edith (who had both a green and a black thumb) couldn’t take part in.

Every once in awhile, a writer has to leave her desk, kick up her heels, and celebrate!