Transportation transformed America…
Suggested activities…
Whole class activity
Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Using the text, determine the five most important events related to the growth of the National Road and transportation in the United States. Record the events on the Timeline
Small group activity
Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Divide the class into five small groups. If possible, provide each group with a copy of the text. Assign each group an event from the book to research. Suggested research criteria:
- Why it was important
- Why it changed transportation in America
- Key people
- Key dates
- Key places
Groups will share research with the class.
Reader’s Response Questions
- Which event do you think was the most important on the timeline? Why?
- Which event would you most like to have experienced and why?
- Which event do you think was most transforming to America? Why?