Transportation is essential for expansion…
Suggested activities…
Whole class activity
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Using the text, generate a list of persuasive arguments relating to change and transportation. Suggested arguments may include the following:
- Dirt roads vs. the National Road
- National Road vs. railroad
- National Road vs. interstate
- Mass transit vs. individual transit
- Fossil fuels vs. alternative fuels
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Generate one or two statements of support for each argument.
Small group activity
Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Divide the class into ten small groups. If possible, provide each group with a copy of the text. Assign each group a persuasive argument from the book. Each group will complete the Persuasive Graphic Organizer. Each group will present their views in a mock debate format.
Individual Activity
Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are. Select an argument from the list above. Complete the Persuasive Graphic Organizer and develop a persuasive essay.
Reader’s Response Questions
- Do you think transportation is essential for expansion? Why or why not?
- Tell about a time you had to be persuaded to make a change.