Communities are changed by transportation…
Suggested activities…
Whole Class Activity
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Record facts, opinions and evidence from the text on the Fact and Opinion Charts.(Variation: teacher completes facts and opinions on the organizer and class only identifies the evidence from the text.)
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Using the Event Fact/Opinion Graphic Organizers, ask the class to identify a fact and an opinion that corresponds with the event from the text.
Small Group Activity
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Divide the class into small groups. If possible, provide each group with a copy of the text. Each group will connect facts and opinions to evidence from the text on the Fact/Opinion Graphic Organizers. Gather together as a class and have the groups report out.
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Divide the class into small groups. Using the Event Fact/Opinion Graphic Organizers, identify a fact and an opinion that corresponds with the event from the text.
Reader’s Response Questions
- It is 1805. Write a Letter to the Editor of the local newspaper expressing your opinion of the National Road.
- List the forms of transportation available in your community. How would your community change if different types of transportation were available?
- Why was the National Road constructed? Why were people opposed to the construction? What is your opinion?