One change often leads to another…
Suggested Activities…
Whole Class Activity
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. List each problem, followed by its solution, on the One Change Leads to Another – Graphic Organizer.
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Using the Problem/Solution Graphic Organizer, which lists the problems the characters from the book encountered, fill in the solutions.
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Using the completed Problem/Solution Graphic Organizer listing the problems and solutions that the characters encountered in the story, identify places in the story where solutions may have led to other problems.
Small Group Activity
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Divide the class into small groups. If possible, provide each group with a copy of the text. Assign each group one or more problems the characters faced in the story. Each group will discuss and record the solution for the problem or problems. Gather together as a class and complete the Problem/Solution Graphic Organizer as the small groups report out.
- Read and discuss the text Just Fine the Way They Are as a class. Divide the class into small groups. Students will refer to pages 28 and 29 and list predictions of problems and solutions we may face in the future.
Reader’s Response Questions
- What change in your life has led to another?
- Can you think of a change that has led to a problem?
- Is there a time in your life when a solution led to another problem? How?