Anatomy of Nonfiction

Peggy and Margery (Click to View Larger)

Peggy and Margery (Click to View Larger)

If you click on the “Resources” tab on the home page of my website, you’ll find all kinds of helpful information I’ve gathered (and continue to gather!) for writers, readers, and educators.

The most recent addition is a blog by Peggy Thomas called Anatomy of Nonfiction: Writing True Stories for Children.  A  wonderful nonfiction writer herself, Peggy is also the daughter of longtime nonfiction writer Margery Facklam.  Peggy’s blog, which comes out weekly, is full of advice, observations and insights from someone who grew up watching nonfiction being written, then started writing it herself.

If you’d like to check out the gathered wisdom of both mother and daughter, take a look at the book Peggy and Margery have collaborated on: Anatomy of Nonfiction. The two have published dozens of nonfiction children’s books.  They write out of the wisdom of years of experience and they lay things out simply and clearly.

If you’re a nonfiction children’s writer, there’s lots of good company out there!