My Dear Governess; The Letters of Edith Wharton to Anna Bahlmann – Reviewed by Connie Nordhielm Wooldridge

My Dear Governess; The Letters of Edith Wharton to Anna Bahlmann edited by Irene Goldman-Price; Yale University Press, 2012. 296 pages; $30.00 (hardcover); reading level: adult. On May 31st, 1874, twelve-year-old Edith Wharton (then Edith Jones) wrote to her beloved twenty-five-year-old governess, Anna Bahlmann, inviting her to come to the Jones’ summer home in Newport,… [Read More]

More Letters From Edith!

Just as my Edith Wharton biography was going to press, a stash of letters from Edith to her governess (and later secretary) was discovered.  How can I get my hands on those? I wondered.  The answer wasn’t long in coming.  In April of 2011, when I spoke at The Mount, I met Irene Goldman-Price who… [Read More]